Nose to Tail + Veronika Danielsson collaborates with a carefully curated selection of gift shops, museums, design and interior stores around the world. Find your local stockist on this list or return to our online shop.
- Baltic Shop
- Bartrums & Co.Ltd.
- Beyond Measure
- The Wellcome Collection
- Bloomsbury & Co.
- Bureau Direct
- Design Collective
- Designtorget
- Dundee Contemporary Arts
- Eastern Biological
- Fruitmarket Gallery
- Geffrye Museum
- Oklahoma
- Paper Tiger
- Printer & Tailor
- Salts Estates
- Snape Maltings
- The Golden Goose
- The Whitby Bookshop
If you are a shop owner and you are interested in hearing about the possibilities of becoming a stockist of Nose to Tail products we would love to hear from you. Send all wholesale enquiries to We look forward to hearing from you.